16 Aug 2010 @ 11:11 PM 

My Son is Transport Tycoon mad which came from his addiction to Locomotion by Chris Sawyers. I bought Transport Tycoon Deluxe only to find it was Windows 95 and that old would not work on any operating system in the house, and even in compatibility mode.

Did lots of Google searches to find a resolve but felt I’d failed until I searched “TTD” ( Transport Tycoon Deluxe ) and found this site http://www.openttd.org/en/ which basically solved our issue and we now have a working program.

Download this program and browse to your CD/DVD drive when prompted for the data disk and it should all run through the wizard with no issues. Once installed you’ll have a working version thanks to a lot of people working together to bring this classic game back to life for newer operating systems.

Manual and WIKI on Transport Tycoon Deluxe –

Looking forward to HumberMUD on Thursday night at the Fruit Space down Humber Street in Hull, where I’ll hopefully catch up with a few people and meet like minded people in the online media world.

I’ve been asked to talk about Humber TV at one of the future ones and feel I need to push the site by posting to it daily with new events and news.  I don’t know why I missed the scooter ride across the Humber Bridge event at the weekend either #fail :o(

One of our video’s we produced as a podcast chat, paid off for them today as we replied to a request on Twitter asking for that service they offered and they ended up booking time with the guest that appeared. RESULT! Quote “She sounds Great” Hence Video is more powerful than an “About Us” page.

Placed a bit of Adsense code into HU17.net website through Paul Smith who runs it to see what the results would be revenue wise. The results are ok but the amount of traffic Paul gets is great with 1500+ daily unique visitors I could only dream of at Humber TV. This just confirms more events, more posts would give the site the push it needs.

Posted By: Blogging
Last Edit: 16 Aug 2010 @ 11:11 PM



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