19 Feb 2011 @ 9:28 PM 

Just bagged 2 more Yorkshire domains today.

These for a fair price are a nice addition to the other 4 I have of which 2 have page ranking of 3 and 2.

They all are good solid investments in my eyes and are worth more with even one page or holding page on. This keeps them in Googles eyes and search bots and helps keep any page rank or back links. I could develop further with paid for content but with these going on top of 100’s  of other domains I think I’ll stick with the 1 page for now.

Noticing a lot of old domains dropping from been registered in 1996+ and have had a site up and running since then. So once fleshed out with a mini site they should be a good slow burner. The last 2 I missed catching were reysrods.co.uk and europeanlife.co.uk both from over 10 years old!

Last local one I caught is HullWhitePages.co.uk which will just have a simple custom Google search on, along with a few graphics. Hopefully should do well and is a good portal for people to catch on to.

 02 Dec 2009 @ 11:21 PM 


Web development is a big chunk of our revenue and are finding that clients havn’t the time or getting round to finishing a site in the time scale set out. This all delays payments, clogs cash flow, and work scheduling that possibly limits more work capacity.

So when we have schuduled in a job to add content or finalise a site that doesn’t happen we’ve been buying up domains and creating mini/micro sites with affiliation links from places like Affiliate Window and Google Adsense. Generic items or services are great ones to develop as they don’t usually hold any trade mark issues.

A few of them so far that we’ve built, some very simple and some a little more effort:

We actually own nearly 900 domains

All developed, in development or due to be developed.  They should in time provide the revenue stream to balance out our revenue income from been mostly from web development for clients.

As mentioned in another blog this is similar to the GEO Service/product mini sites where your homing in to a niche or focused area, rather than a full on shop or every type or gadget etc.

mini sitesSo the long of it is, we’re using any spare time to create mini niche websites to:

  1. Create a website on a domain we own so it’s not just sat there gathering dust
  2. Indexing the domain in Search engines adding value to the domain if resold
  3. Growing the site, again so it’s indexed but could become a possible mini site for a company in that area
  4. Gaining monthly revenue from adverts like Google Adsense and Affiliate Window which will increase as it climbs the ratings
  5. Producing a mini site that could be sold to a company in that area or is wanting to do business in that area
  6. Creating company assets

If your finding having a few mini sites or extra exposure interesting, give us a call and see if we can help you you never know we may already have a domain/minisite already setup.

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